“Hooman’s Hope” is the inspirational story of a boy born in Iran who endured his share of hardships and obstacles before becoming an American success story. His humanitarian efforts and his quest for peace have resonated with hundreds of people of all ages and nationalities.

He has a compelling and intriguing story.

For bulk orders of more than 20 books, please contact us at hoomanshope@gmail.com for special pricing.


“One of the reasons he has become a successful philanthropist is because of the struggles he experienced personally and with his family. He truly understands the challenges that people face and he has a strong desire to help people have a better life.”
Susanne Marcus

Former ESL Teacher, Saddle Rock Elementary School

“He’s a guy who just gets it – he’s been that way for as long as I’ve known him. What he’s done is remarkable. He’s done so much to help so many people. He’s living his best life, which is great. I am really proud of him.”
Tom Ryan

Former Hofstra University Wrestling Coach
Current Coach for Ohio State Buckeyes

“He’s a tremendous representative, diplomat and conduit between the U.S. and Iran.”
Andy Barth

Founder of Titan Mercury Wrestling Club & Hooman's Mentor

“Hooman, you have mastered the art of diplomacy, and I’m grateful to consider you a friend. The poise and elegance that you display are characteristics that I desire to replicate in my own life. You are treasured by the people of Iran and the people of America alike. I look forward to traveling to Iran again with you by my side to further develop our friendship and to change the world through wrestling. For all the times that you provided me with protection, sacrificing your personal comfort for the good of many, and encouraging me to be a positive influence for the people, thank you. You are a great man, and you have made other men greater. You, my friend, are worthy of being written about.”
Jordan Burroughs

Olympic and World Champion